A portable GUI library for C
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CuiBoxA boxlike container that holds a group of controls
 CuiButtonA control that visually represents a button to be clicked by the user to trigger an action
 CuiCheckboxA control with a user checkable box accompanied by a text label
 CuiColorButtonA control with a color indicator that opens a color chooser when clicked
 CuiComboboxA control to select one item from a predefined list of items via a drop down menu
 CuiControlBase class for GUI controls providing common methods
 CuiDateTimePickerA control to enter a date and/or time
 CuiEditableComboboxA control to select one item from a predefined list of items or enter ones own
 CuiEntryA control with a single line text entry field
 CuiFontButtonA button-like control that opens a font chooser when clicked
 CuiFormA container control to organize contained controls as labeled fields
 CuiGridA control container to arrange containing controls in a grid
 CuiGroupA control container that adds a label to the contained child control
 CuiImageA container for an image to be displayed on screen
 CuiLabelA control that displays non interactive text
 CuiMenuAn application level menu bar
 CuiMenuItemA menu item used in conjunction with uiMenu
 CuiMultilineEntryA control with a multi line text entry field
 CuiProgressBarA control that visualizes the progress of a task via the fill level of a horizontal bar
 CuiRadioButtonsA multiple choice control of check buttons from which only one can be selected at a time
 CuiSeparatorA control to visually separate controls, horizontally or vertically
 CuiSliderA control to display and modify integer values via a user draggable slider
 CuiSpinboxA control to display and modify integer values via a text field or +/- buttons
 CuiTabA multi page control interface that displays one page at a time
 CuiTableA control to display data in a tabular fashion
 CuiTableModelTable model delegate to retrieve data and inform about model changes
 CuiTableModelHandlerDeveloper defined methods for data retrieval and setting
 CuiTableParamsTable parameters passed to uiNewTable()
 CuiTableSelectionHolds an array of selected row indices for a table
 CuiTableTextColumnOptionalParamsOptional parameters to control the appearance of text columns
 CuiTableValueContainer to store values used in container related methods
 CuiWindowA control that represents a top-level window