A portable GUI library for C
Data entry controls


struct  uiCheckbox
 A control with a user checkable box accompanied by a text label. More...
struct  uiEntry
 A control with a single line text entry field. More...
struct  uiSpinbox
 A control to display and modify integer values via a text field or +/- buttons. More...
struct  uiSlider
 A control to display and modify integer values via a user draggable slider. More...
struct  uiCombobox
 A control to select one item from a predefined list of items via a drop down menu. More...
struct  uiEditableCombobox
 A control to select one item from a predefined list of items or enter ones own. More...
struct  uiRadioButtons
 A multiple choice control of check buttons from which only one can be selected at a time. More...
struct  uiDateTimePicker
 A control to enter a date and/or time. More...
struct  uiMultilineEntry
 A control with a multi line text entry field. More...
struct  uiFontButton
 A button-like control that opens a font chooser when clicked. More...
struct  uiColorButton
 A control with a color indicator that opens a color chooser when clicked. More...
struct  uiTable
 A control to display data in a tabular fashion. More...

Detailed Description